Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rebecca Black –INTERNET has made her famous

Rebecca’s YouTube video for her song “Friday” went viral. Rebecca Black is considered an internet meme, she has had 18 million views on Youtube in few days. Yes folks, over 18 million people have seen this video. 

Even Rebecca was surprised by the instantaneous repercussion. She said:  “After seeing it go from 4,000 views to 70,000 views in one night and then waking up to see it was at 200,000 views, that’s when I knew it was going to be big.” … “I have been so mind-blown with the whole thing,” she says. “I didn’t really expect much to come out of it. Just maybe some friends and some family would see it.”
Even Wikipedia has a topic about her!
That shows the power of social midia – specifically Twitter and Facebook in the ability to create "overnight sensations”.
Although most people on the internet has voted her to be the worst song, she does have a few people, who like her song.

See what people have been saying about her song:
Story photo: 18,000-Plus Hopefuls Flood X Factor Auditions in L.A.
“Love it! I’ve never seen anything cause so much controversy. I think it’s genius. the fact that everyone’s getting upset about it is hysterical. any song to do with the weekend annoys you. It reminds me of ‘Saturday Night;’ do you remember that [1994] song by Whigfield? It’s what we call a ‘hair-dryer song,’ a song girls sing into their hair dryers as they’re getting ready to go out. But the fact that it’s making people so angry is brilliant.”
Story photo: 18,000-Plus Hopefuls Flood X Factor Auditions in L.A.
“Why are people so cruel, can’t a girl make a song about a day and call out other days and have a creepy black guy in the video chasing school buses?  This is how the internet works.  They take the dumbest thing alive and make it popular… they helped her career criticizing her they made her more marketable.”

“ The poor girl is only 13 – of course she’s going to sing about boys and fun. That’s all she knows.”

“ok...... really people ... i mean i love to sing ... but she ruined it for me .. just shut up really take singing lessons it has been stuck in my head for 1 million freaking years!!! and the lyrics is like someone is talking... i mean who writes " yesterday was thursday , now today is Friday!"

"Why is a 13-year-old driving that car? Why aren't they wearing seatbelts? And why is an adult rapper following them? "

 "I hope you cut yourself and I hope you get an eating disorder so you'll look pretty. I hope you cut and die."

Charlie Sheen said on his twitter: “Rebecca Black, we don't hate you because you're famous. You're famous because we hate you”.

Rebecca explained why she recorded the song Firday: She said the producers offered her two songs, and she chose "Friday" because, as she said: "The other song was about adult love -- I haven't experienced that yet. 'Friday' is about hanging out with friends, having fun. I felt like it was my personality in that song."

Rebecca said:"Those hurtful comments really shocked me. At times, it feels like I'm being cyberbullied."


VIRAL (adj) very popular and spreading very quickly, especially on the Internet, e.g.:
Within weeks, her blog went viral.

INTERNET MEME: The term Internet meme  (pronounced /ˈmiːm/, rhyming with "cream") is used to describe a concept that spreads via the Internet.

CYBERBULLYING: Cyberbullying is the use of cell phones, instant messaging, e-mail, chat rooms or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to harass, threaten or intimidate someone.

Please take some  time to comment this topic, it's a nice opportunity to practice your English!

Do you like Rebecca Black's song  ”Friday”?
Do you think some people's comments above are a kind of cyberbullying?
What do you think of the internet power?

by Vivian Barone

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

There are some things that can be done just once!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor
a unique person

Monday, March 28, 2011

A man's misfortune is another man's opportunity

A cartoon that I thought funny just to show that

a man's misfortune is another man's opportunity.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Japan's crisis

Earthquake...Tsunami...Nuclear radiation...

... What next?

Economic Fallout

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Toy story - Are the sexes really alien to one another? Science knows the true differences between men and women...

Why do girls prefer dolls and boys cars? Some put in down to cultural influences that prepare children to take on stereotypical gender roles adults. Now consider this: male vervet monkeys prefer cars even though they have never been primed to do so (Evolution and Human Behavior, vol 23, p 467), and girls who have a hormonal disorder that means they produce too much testosterone prefer them, too. This suggests an innate component to toy choice, which may be amplified by socialization processes after birth.
Intriguing new research by Margareth McCarthy at the University of Maryland in College Park points to the neurobiology underlying sex-specific play preferences – in rats, at least. Her group found that the amygdalae, twin brain structures that are important for processing emotional and social cues, contain between 30 and 50 per cent more of a type of brain cell called glial cells in female rats than in males. Male brains, meanwhile, had higher levels of endocannabinoids – naturally occurring molecules that stimulate the same neural circuits as the active ingredient in cannabis.
However, when the researchers injected day-old-female rats with a dose of a cannabis-like substance, they found that after three days the proportion of glial cells in their amygdalae was the same level as in males. These females now played like male pups too-they played 30 to 40 per cent more than regular females, and indulged in much more rough-and-tumble play (Proccedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol 107, p 20535).
The main structural differences between male and female rat brains all have parallels in humans, and researchers believe that all mammals have the same neural mechanisms underlying key survival behaviours. Yet whether such similar neurobiology underpins play differences among children is unknown.
What is clear is that human behaviour is highly adaptaple, and this includes play and other behaviours that differ between the sexes. What goes on before birth and shortly afterwards is not the ultimate determinant, says McCarthy. “In the human brain, we think there´s a lot that experience can do.”
Source: Venus and Mars collide. (New Scientist, March 5th, 2011)


Vervet: (noun) South African monkey with black face and hands;
 Primed: (verb): to prime. To prepare someone to behave or react in a particular way;
 Cues: (noun):  a stimulus that provides information about what to do;
 Glial: (adjective):  of or relating to neuroglia;
 Cannabis: (noun):  the most commonly used illicit drug; considered a soft drug, it consists of the dried leaves of the hemp plant; smoked or chewed for euphoric effect;  any plant of the genus Cannabis.
Day-old female: one day old; 
Pups: (noun):  young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf; an inexperienced young person; verb:  birth; 
Indulged: (verb):  give free rein to ("The writer indulged in metaphorical language"); verb:  enjoy to excess; verb:  yield (to); give satisfaction to; verb:  treat with excessive indulgence; 
Rough-and-tumble: (noun):  disorderly fighting; adjective:  characterized by disorderly action and disregard for rules ("A rough-and-tumble fight"); 
Underpins: (verb):  support from beneath; support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Curso básico ao avançado
Inglês para entrevistas
Preparatório exame de proficiência de mestrado/doutorado

Início e horários dos cursos

O nosso cronograma é flexível, adaptando-se à disponibilidade de tempo do aluno. As datas de início dos cursos podem ser escolhidas, não há períodos específicos de matrícula. O horário das aulas pode ser distribuído como convier ao aluno. O curso também pode ser contratado com a quantidade de aulas que o aluno desejar.

Nas aulas apenas as habilidades speaking e listening são trabalhadas. As habilidades reading e writing são aprimoradas pelo aluno em casa com o devido suporte e feedback do professor. O desenvolvimento de todas as habilidades baseia-se na apreensão  e produção  do sentido e não em estudo das estruturas c da língua.
 Entre outras atividades, ao final de todas as unidades os alunos realizam uma apresentação sobre o tópico discutido. Não é permitido apresentações do tipo “I think”. O aluno deverá pesquisar sobre o tema. As apresentações devem ser informativas e baseadas em pesquisa. Ao pesquisar o aluno adentra o universo da língua inglesa e se depara com vocabulário autêntico e rico, o que garante o constante aprimoramento de seu próprio vocabulário. Os colegas que assistem a apresentação também são avaliados quanto à capacidade e iniciativa de interação, negociação e argumentação.
As habilidades reading e writing são desenvolvidas de modo semelhante. Em cada unidade há dois textos autênticos e atividades de compreensão. Os textos são uma extensão dos tópicos discutidos em sala de aula. Eles podem ser complementares ou apresentar idéias opostas. Os textos estimulam o pensamento crítico do aluno para o bom desenvolvimento do seu próprio texto. Diferentes técnicas de escritas são trabalhadas em cada unidade. Há orientação para o desenvolvimento desde o rascunho até o texto final.
O método produz aulas plenamente conversacionais, alunos motivados, proficientes e preparados tanto para as exigências acadêmicas como as de mercado.

Ao final do curso o aluno está preparado para ter uma boa pontuação nos testes de proficiência: TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TEAP, WAP, entre outros.

Nossos preços são muito acessíveis.
Entre em contato e agende uma entrevista.

Rua Treze de Maio 2538, Centro – São Carlos -SP